details for getting latest stable sqlite version

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Sun May 8 15:50:06 UTC 2011

On Sun, May 08, 2011 at 08:29:12AM -0700, chris coleman wrote:

>    I'm interested in testing, then deploying , the newest most stable
>    sqlite-enabled version on a production server with valuable imap folders.
>    Is there a recommended command (or sequence of commands) for getting the
>    latest, most stable, hang-proof, reliable, sqlite-enabled release.
>    * This would be a good thing to add to the documentation (if it's not
>    already in there). *

I just sent a patch around this area of our documentation. In order to
test OfflineIMAP or a recent feature in it, you have to:

* clone the official repository
* checkout the next branch: 'git checkout -t origin/next'
* install:
  - make clean
  - make
  - (as root) python install
* update this branch in a regular basis

I'll add nicer documentation in the FAQ for our testers. It tends to be
a very common question, here.

Thanks for testing OfflineIMAP.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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