[Imaplib2-devel] imaplib2 debugging

Piers Lauder piers at janeelix.com
Sun May 8 20:31:01 UTC 2011

On Sat, 07 May 2011 11:42:32 +0200, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
  > On Sat, 07 May 2011 10:37:45 +1000, Piers Lauder <piers at janeelix.com> wrote:
  > > I have committed a new version of imaplib2 with extra logging, and a
  > > new paremeter to the class 'debug_buf_lvl' (default: 3), that controls
  > > log buffering.
  > > 
  > > So, to invoke IMAP4 with output to stderr at logging level 3, one would
  > > invoke as:
  > >   IMAP4(..., debug=3, debug_buf_lvl=2)
  > One more question:
  > Calling IMAP4(debug=3,...) will call:
  > _init_debug(self, debug=3,...): 
  >   self.debug = debug is not None and debug or Debug is not None and 
               Debuggor 0
  > so self.debug becomes a Boolean, rather than an int, right?

No, that can be restated as:
  (debug is not None and debug) or (Debug is not None and Debug) or 0
Which is the same as:
  debug or Debug or 0
which is an int (provided debug and Debug are).  Deprecated Python idiom :-)

  > Because in def _log() and elsewhere you use:
  > if lvl>self.debug:
  >      <actually log something>
  > which would be true for any value >1 of lvl. Or am I grossly misreading
  > things?

See above :-)

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