BlinkenLights throws exception

Mark Foxwell fastfret79 at
Tue May 17 10:19:18 UTC 2011

After a bit of trial and error trying to debug, it seems it is due to multiple
threads - if I force single thread only with the '-1' switch offlineimap
completes correctly.

Unfortunately using the debug switch '-d threads' doesn't provide debug
messages of interest, but if I use '-d all' and pipe the output to a file I get
the following just before the exception (I've substituted the email address):

^[[1;77r^[[74;1H^[[34m^[[40mDEBUG[thread]: Register new thread 'Folder sync [email at]' (account 'email at^[[75;')^[[m^O^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40m^[[77;29H^[[36m^[[40m.^[[m^O^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40m^[[2;75r^[[75;1H
^[[1;77r^[[75;1H^[[36m^[[40mSyncing INBOX.Drafts: IMAP -> Maildir^[[m^O^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40m^[[77;29H^[[32m^[[40m.^[[m^O^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40m^[[2;75r^[[75;1H
^[[1;77r^[[75;1H^[[32m^[[40mScanning folder [Maildir/INBOX/Drafts]^[[m^O^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40m^[[2;75r^[[75;1H
^[[1;77r^[[75;1H^[[32m^[[40mDEBUG[imap]:   02:16.21 Folder sync [email at] [sync] SELECT ('INBOX.Drafts',)^[[m^O^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40m^[[2;75r^[[75;1H
^[[1;77r^[[75;1H^[[32m^[[40mDEBUG[imap]:   02:16.21 Folder sync [email at] _request_push(DBJJ8, SELECT, {})^[[m^O^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40m^[[2;75r^[[75;1H
^[[1;77r^[[75;1H^[[32m^[[40mDEBUG[imap]:   02:16.21 Folder sync [email at] data=DBJJ8 SELECT INBOX.Drafts^[[m^O^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40m^[[2;75r^[[75;1H
^[[1;77r^[[75;1HDEBUG[imap]:   02:16.22 writer > DBJJ8 SELECT INBOX.Drafts\r\n^[[?25h

^[[105G^[>^[[39;49m^M^[[K^[[77;1H^[[2J^[[?47l^[8^M^[>Main program terminated with exception:

Is this of any use? Any ideas what else I can try?

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