[PATCH] FAQ: add two entries concerning 'sslcacertfile'

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Wed May 18 11:12:20 UTC 2011

On Wed, 18 May 2011 10:42:16 +0200, Johannes Kastl <ojkastl at gmx.de> wrote:
> Am 16.05.11 12:59 schrieb Daniel Shahaf:
> > I'm sure $maintainer would favourably consider patches that clarify the
> > example in place and/or list the OS certificates' store locations for
> > other platforms.
> Im sure he will, but unfortunately I do not have a) the skills to create
> a patch and b) not the time at the moment. Maybe next month... ;-(

If you send me an updated file over the current file, I can create a
patch for you.


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