[PATCH] improve message "error 111" if connection failed

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Wed May 25 18:38:37 UTC 2011

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 01:05:35PM +0200, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:

> HOLD ON, PLEASE DON'T MERGE. I would argue this is the wrong place to
> raise that warning. Right now, you only treat the SSL case for example.

Don't cry, I let contributors time to review my patches.

> ALL the connection opening passes through imapserver.acquireconnection()
> and it is here that we already raise DNS related errors:
>             if type(e) == gaierror:
>                 #DNS related errors. Abort Repo sync
>                 severity = OfflineImapError.ERROR.REPO
>                 #TODO: special error msg for e.errno == 2 "Name or service not
>                 known"?
>                 reason = "Could not resolve name '%s' for repository "\
>                          "'%s'. Make sure you have configured the ser"\
>                          "ver name correctly and that you are online."\
>                          % (self.hostname, self.reposname)
>                 raise OfflineImapError(reason, severity)
> And it is here, that we should also catch the "connection refused"
> error. This way we catch SSL nonSSL and all possible other connection
> creation errors.

Right. I'm not totally satisfied with following patch (based on str(e)) but I
don't have much time for this issue. So, here I am. If any taker, this is the
one I'll merge.

-- >8 --
Subject: [PATCH] improve message "error 111" if connection failed

Raise OfflineImapError with severity REPO explaining that the connection failed.
Before, no valuable information was given to the user.

Signed-off-by: Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net>
 offlineimap/imaplibutil.py |    8 ++++----
 offlineimap/imapserver.py  |    7 +++++++
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/offlineimap/imaplibutil.py b/offlineimap/imaplibutil.py
index 6c6142c..f501af6 100644
--- a/offlineimap/imaplibutil.py
+++ b/offlineimap/imaplibutil.py
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ class WrappedIMAP4_SSL(UsefulIMAPMixIn, IMAP4_SSL):
         if last_error != 0:
-            # FIXME
-            raise socket.error(last_error)
+            raise Exception("can't open socket; error: %s"\
+                % socket.error(last_error))
         # Allow sending of keep-alive message seems to prevent some servers
         # from closing SSL on us leading to deadlocks
@@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ class WrappedIMAP4(UsefulIMAPMixIn, IMAP4):
         if last_error != 0:
-            # FIXME
-            raise socket.error(last_error)
+            raise Exception("can't open socket; error: %s"\
+                % socket.error(last_error))
         self.file = self.sock.makefile('rb')
         # imaplib2 uses this to poll()
diff --git a/offlineimap/imapserver.py b/offlineimap/imapserver.py
index 147e84b..37fc553 100644
--- a/offlineimap/imapserver.py
+++ b/offlineimap/imapserver.py
@@ -289,6 +289,13 @@ class IMAPServer:
                          "ver name correctly and that you are online."\
                          % (self.hostname, self.reposname)
                 raise OfflineImapError(reason, severity)
+            # Could not acquire connection to the remote;
+            # socket.error(last_error) raised
+            if str(e)[:24] == "can't open socket; error":
+                raise OfflineImapError("Could not connect to remote server '%s' "\
+                    "for repository '%s'. Remote does not answer."
+                    % (self.hostname, self.reposname),
+                    OfflineImapError.ERROR.REPO)
                 # re-raise all other errors

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