[ANNOUNCE] OfflineIMAP v6.3.4-rc1 released

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Mon May 16 18:03:20 BST 2011

OfflineIMAP v6.3.4-rc1 is out.

Welcome to the v6.3.4 pre-release cycle. Your favorite IMAP tool wins 2 new
features which were asked for a long time:
* an experimental SQL-based backend for the local cache;
* one-way synchronization cabability.

Logic synchronization is reviewed and simplified (from 4 to 3 passes) giving
improved performance.

Lot of work was done to give OfflineIMAP a better code base. Raised errors can
now rely on a new error system and should become the default in the coming

As usual, we ask our users to test this release as much as possible, especially
the SQL backend. Have fun!

New Features

* Begin sphinx-based documentation for the code.
* Enable 1-way synchronization by settting a [Repository ...] to
  readonly = True. When e.g. using offlineimap for backup purposes you
  can thus make sure that no changes in your backup trickle back into
  the main IMAP server.
* Optional: experimental SQLite-based backend for the LocalStatus
  cache. Plain text remains the default.


* Start a enhanced error handling background system. This is designed to not
  stop a whole sync process on all errors (not much used, yet).
* Documentation improvements: the FAQ wins new entries and add a new HACKING
  file for developers.
* Lot of code cleanups.
* Reduced our sync logic from 4 passes to 3 passes (integrating upload of
  "new" and "existing" messages into one function). This should result in a
  slight speedup.
* No whitespace is stripped from comma-separated arguments passed via
  the -f option.
* Give more detailed error when encountering a corrupt UID mapping file.

Bug Fixes

* Drop connection if synchronization failed. This is needed if resuming the
  system from suspend mode gives a wrong connection.
* Fix the offlineimap crash when invoking debug option 'thread'.
* Make 'thread' command line option work.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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