[PATCHv6 7/7] Re: Create LocalStatus or LocalStatusSQLite folders

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Fri May 6 21:50:20 BST 2011

On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 10:10:23PM +0200, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:


> diff --git a/offlineimap.conf b/offlineimap.conf
> index 7018090..33aa7e6 100644
> --- a/offlineimap.conf
> +++ b/offlineimap.conf
> @@ -197,6 +197,35 @@ remoterepository = RemoteExample
>  # You can also specify parameters to the commands
>  # presynchook = imapfilter -c someotherconfig.lua
> +# OfflineImap caches the state of the synchronisation to e.g. be able to
> +# determine if a mail has been deleted on one side or added on the
> +# other.
> +#
> +# The default and historical backend is 'plain' which writes out the
> +# state in plain text files. On Repositories with large numbers of
> +# mails, the performance might not be optimal, as we write out the
> +# complete file for each change.  Another new backend 'sqlite' is
> +# available which stores the status in sqlite databases. BE AWARE THIS
> +#
> +# If you switch the backend, you may want to delete the old cache
> +# directory in ~/.offlineimap/Account-<account>/LocalStatus manually
> +# once you are sure that things work.
> +#
> +#status_backend = plain
> +
> +# OfflineImap caches the status of your mails to e.g. be able to
> +# determine if a mail has been deleted on one side or added on the
> +# other. The default backend is 'plain' which writes out the status in
> +# plain text files. On Repositories with large numbers of mails, the
> +# performance might not be optimal, as we write out the complete file
> +# for each change. Another backend 'sqlite' is available which stores
> +# the status in sqlite databased. If you switch the backend, you will
> +# have to delete the old cache directory in
> +# ~/.offlineimap/Account-<account>/LocalStatus[-sqlite] manually.
> +
> +status_backend = plain
> +
>  # If you have a limited amount of bandwidth available you can exclude larger
>  # messages (e.g. those with large attachments etc).  If you do this it
>  # will appear to offlineimap that these messages do not exist at all.  They

Looks like you forgot to remove the old doc.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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