Exceprt of corrupt localstatus INBOX for user1

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Fri May 6 22:08:56 BST 2011

Déja vu. Didn't we have this mail basically some days ago?

On Fri, 6 May 2011 11:30:05 -0700 (PDT), chris coleman <christocoleman at yahoo.com> wrote:
- 2142(0x00)(0x00)P(0x00)(0x01)(0x00)(0x00)(0x00)68:
+ 214268:

weird combo of "000100" bytes inserted. Very much the ame thing as in
your mail from Tue, 3 May 2011 11:13:28 -0700 (PDT).

> Meaning... just because a remote email message's UID is not mentioned in this file, to
> a) somehow assure that the message would still remain untouched on the local and/or remote servers, and 
It will not be deleted.

> b) make it so that the message's UID gets regenerated and added back into to this LocalStatus file..
It is being regenerated, in the latest version. In the IMAP->Maildir
case you can simply blow away your LocalStatus in a reasonably
synchronized repository. You could only lose some flag changes if there
have been changes inbetween and "undelete" some emails that have been
deleted on one side since the last sync. 

I am not sure if the IMAP<->IMAP case works, because it has that
additional UID mapping file and I don't know what happens if you simply
delete a line in LocalStatus. So far, I have never audited the code for
that case.

> c) copying the message and/or its statuses to the other server if it's
> not identical in both 

Huh? Sorry, I did not get this. :-) We will copy over a message to the
other side if a LocalStatus entry is missing, if that is what you meant.

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