[ANNOUNCE] Re: OfflineIMAP v6.3.4-rc1 released

Mark Foxwell fastfret79 at archlinux.org.uk
Wed May 18 21:44:40 BST 2011

Christophe Fergeau wrote:
> And the other users use distro packages, and as far as I know, most of
> the time you need a tarball to generate a package from. I don't think
> many distros have the necessary magic in their packaging script, and
> I'm not sure they would welcome packages directly generated from git
> (yet ?)

I use Arch Linux and offlineimap in the community repo is built from tarball,
but I maintain offlineimap-git [1] in AUR (Arch User Repository) which just
clones the master branch and builds. There are quite a few packages in Arch's
official repos that are built with git.

Is there that much difference in downloading a tarball, extracting and building
compared to cloning with git and building? Why not just have a separate release
branch so that the rc versions can stay in master?

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=24202
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