stateless synchronization

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Tue Nov 8 10:17:57 GMT 2011

On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 20:52:32 +0100, Ploc <pub2011 at> wrote:
> > So if REMOTEIMAP1 (readonly=True) and LOCALMAILDIR (readonly=False) are
> > your repos, and the cache goes missing, it will:
> >
> > 1a) sync REMOTEIMAP1 mails to LOCALMAILDIR, adding all new messages
> > 1b) delete all mails in LOCALMAILDIR that are not in REMOTEIMAP1 but
> >      have a valid (>0) UID recorded. (so they are not "NEW")

> I do understand from your explanations that - in case of a readonly 
> repository, the "safer algorithm" is dissmissed and - according to "1b", 
> OfflineIMAP also DELETES mails.

Well, it will always delete mails that are removed from REMOTEIMAP1 and
still exist on LOCALMAILDIR (*unless* LOCALMAILDIR is readonly=True of

This does not change with any setting of REMOTEIMAP1:readonly=false|True
as it has no impact on anything being written to that remote IMAP

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