Can I use maxage to delete remote copies and retain local?

Martin Miller witsquash at
Tue Oct 4 21:59:51 UTC 2011


Sorry if this is a repeat, but I'm pretty sure my first message got tied up.

First time posting to the list. I'm using offlineimap and sup.

I don't have a lot of space on my remote server (relatively speaking) so I'd
like to delete emails from the remote server after N days, but store
them locally indefinitely.

Here's the main question: Can I use maxage in my offlineimaprc to get this effect?
Say, if I set maxage=90 and delete a message from the server that is 100
days old, will the message remain on my local machine?

If that is so, is there some mechanism in offlineimap that can perform the remote
deletion for me, or do I need to look for another tool or write a script?

Ideally, I'd have something that can see if a message is starred in sup and
not delete the message regardless of age, but that's more of a longterm idea.


Martin Miller

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