Unable to sync local IMAP operations to Gmail

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Tue Oct 25 07:28:54 UTC 2011

On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 03:24:54 +0800, "Desmond O. Chang" <dochang at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to use offlineimap to bidirectionally sync my gmail account and
> my local Dovecot server.  Now I have downloaded the mails from Gmail
> server.  But after deleting some mails on Dovecot, I can't sync these
> operations back to Gmail.
> I use Emacs & Mew as MUA in Debian sid.  Here is my rcfile:
> [general]
> accounts = GmailAccount
> [Account GmailAccount]
> localrepository = Local
> remoterepository = Remote
> [Repository Local]
> type = Maildir
> localfolders = ~/Maildir/dochang at gmail.com
> sep = /
> [Repository Remote]
> type = Gmail
> remoteuser = dochang at gmail.com
> realdelete = True
> readonly = False
> Is there anything wrong?  Please let me know.  Thank you.

There was a bug where any readonly= setting was considered as being
"True", try to delete your readonly = False line and see if this works
around the issue.

This has been fixed in mainline.

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