Having a really hard time keeping Offlineimap running

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Thu Sep 1 08:22:41 UTC 2011

On Wed, 31 Aug 2011 10:56:42 -0500, John Wiegley <jwiegley at gmail.com> wrote:
> I haven't yet been able to get Offlineimap stable enough so that it keeps
> running through a full day.  I'm even starting it with launchctl, so that if
> it dies, OS X will simply start a new one.  But it doesn't just die -- it
> stops working, so launchctl can't help.

Simply stopping working is bad. I haven't written the IDLE support, but
From what I can see from the code, if an IDLE thread dies, it *SHOULD*
stop working till the next refresh cycle or so. If not, someone should
examine this closer.

In any case, I have fixed the error you see, at least I believe the
following patches will fix it. This is what they do:

#1 Introduce new error severity FOLDER_RETRY
#2 Have SELECT throw an OfflineImapError when it encounters a terminated
#3 Have the IDLE code check that SELECT succeeded and retry with a new
   connection if not.

This will not fix all timeouts but it should take care of your IDLE
cases. I am afraid we will have to go through the code and add
protections at all places where we e.g. SELECT something.

> Here's what I see in the logs from last night, about an hour after I went to
> bed:

Thanks that traceback was helpful in finding the spot we need to protect. 

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