Adding a CouchDB backend

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Mon Sep 5 08:34:09 UTC 2011

On Sun, 4 Sep 2011 19:58:45 +0200, "<theodore at> wrote:
> I saw that on the ml but as Daniel said, couchdb is for mail storage 
> not for sync status.

It's pretty easy to develop a new local backend, it's all pretty
object-oriented with a few functions to develop (save mail, get mail,
delete mail mostly :)). Personally, I have no use for CouchDB, but I am
sure some people would be pretty excited about it.

I'd review patches if there were some. All you need is copy:
folder/ and repository/ to and replace
some functions.

> With couchdb you can replicate very easily. Makes backup really simple. 
> And I want to use couchdb as a mail reader later. Putting everything in 
> couch mean It's easier to use than maildir or IMAP for me.

Sounds like couchDB would obliviate the need for OfflineImap, as the
purpose of OfflineImap is to sync and replicate.

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