Adding a CouchDB backend

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Mon Sep 5 14:17:01 UTC 2011

On Sat, 3 Sep 2011 17:09:58 +0200, "=?utf-8?B?IFRow6lvZG9yZSBCaWFkYWxh?=" <theodore at> wrote:

Cool, a couple of code comments:

__init__ looks fine as it is.
  I see that you store them with the Message-ID as key. In theory (and
  also in practice) you can have 2 emails with the exact same Message
  ID. In this case, you overwrite your messages.

  msgid = msgid[1:-1] Would be nice to have a comment that you are
  cutting of pointy brackets here.

The rest of the file actually looks quite ok to me. I see a couple of
things we should migrate to the Base folder implementation, like the
definition of getaccountname().


Looking good to me. Even better if it works.

> The config file looks like this :
> [Repository Couch]
> type = CouchDB
> dbname = offlineimap
> server = http://localhost:5984/
> Works as local and remote repository.

Nice. Seems decent and optional enough to push as experimental. My only
reservation is the reliance on unique Message-IDs for the filenames.

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