[looking for volunteers] [bug] Re: logging should flush each message

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Wed Sep 7 19:30:12 UTC 2011

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 11:09:10AM +0200, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Aug 2011 15:37:26 -0800, Dave Abrahams <dave at boostpro.com> wrote:
> > 
> > In most cases, nothing is written to my offlineimap.log file until
> > offlineimap actually exits.  That's not very useful.
> > Also, offlineimap wipes the logfile for each run instead of appending.
> > Not very useful either.
> Yep, it uses a custom log file thingie. I have a minimal branch that
> converts OfflineImap to use the standard "logging" facility that python
> offers. Is anyone interested in the code I have? I haven't tested with
> anything but the TTYUI ui so far, not sure how blinkenlights would
> fare. I attach the patch to this mail for people wanting to try it out
> (and see if it flushes properly etc).

Would be nice to have. Merged to pu in order to promote it.

I'm guessing this topic is not much hard. We would actually enjoy to
mentor volunteers on things like this. Any takers?

Nicolas Sebrecht

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