More stack traces

Vincent Beffara vbeffara at
Fri Sep 9 20:04:41 UTC 2011


SS> We could either add another column to LocalStatusCache table called
SS> 'MappedUID' or 'LocalUID'. Or we could store the REMOTEU_UID ->
SS> LOCAL_UID Mapping in another 'UIDMapping' table in the same sqlite
SS> db.

Another column sounds more natural - in fact, while we are on this
topic, is there an obstacle to having a single sqlite db per account,
with one table per mailbox, rather than $n dbs as it is now ? Apparently
sqlite in python can be used while multithreading. (Or maybe it would
still create a serious bottleneck and be counterproductive, I don't know
if the locking can be made to work per table rather than per db ...)

SS> As a third step, I would love to implement a "UID Mapping
SS> restoration" mode which would analyze the content of mails and help
SS> to recreate the UID Mapping if the cache is corrupted or has been
SS> lost. THis way we can recreate the cache.

That sounds like a great feature to have!

SS> Personally, I don't use IMAP<->IMAP, so it has never been high up on
SS> my radar.

I do, but I don't have enough time to code things - I am willing to test,


|                 |   UMPA - ENS Lyon   | Mél: vbeffara at |
| Vincent Beffara |  46 allée d'Italie  | Tél: (+33) 4 72 72 85 25  |
|                 | 69364 Lyon Cedex 07 | Fax: (+33) 4 72 72 84 80  |

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