Problem in rc3

Dave Abrahams dave at
Wed Sep 21 06:35:18 UTC 2011

Commit a279aa7307ca036f93b660ade84099550ff1a4f2 caused a problem with my
config, at least, which is attached.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
offlineimap -o -1 -d maildir
 OfflineIMAP 6.3.5-rc3
Copyright 2002-2011 John Goerzen & contributors.
Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version).

 Debug mode: Forcing to singlethreaded.
 Now debugging for maildir: Maildir repository debugging
 Now debugging for : Other offlineimap related sync messages
Account sync BoostPro:
 ***** Processing account BoostPro
 DEBUG[maildir]: MaildirRepository initialized, sep is '.'
 Calling hook: echo offlineimap presync
 Hook stdout: offlineimap presync

Hook stderr:

 Hook return code: 0
 Copying folder structure from IMAP to Maildir
 Establishing connection to
 DEBUG[maildir]: _GETFOLDERS_SCANDIR STARTING. root = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP, extension = None
 DEBUG[maildir]:   toppath = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = .[Gmail].All Mail
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/.[Gmail].All Mail
 DEBUG[maildir]:   This is maildir folder '.[Gmail].All Mail'.
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = .[Gmail].Spam
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/.[Gmail].Spam
 DEBUG[maildir]:   This is maildir folder '.[Gmail].Spam'.
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = .PersonalGMail
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/.PersonalGMail
 DEBUG[maildir]:   This is maildir folder '.PersonalGMail'.
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = .sent.2011-08
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/.sent.2011-08
 DEBUG[maildir]:   This is maildir folder '.sent.2011-08'.
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = .sent.2011-09
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/.sent.2011-09
 DEBUG[maildir]:   This is maildir folder '.sent.2011-09'.
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = .Trash
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/.Trash
 DEBUG[maildir]:   This is maildir folder '.Trash'.
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = cur
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this dir (Maildir special)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = dovecot-keywords
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/dovecot-keywords
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this entry (not a directory)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = dovecot-uidlist
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/dovecot-uidlist
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this entry (not a directory)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = dovecot-uidvalidity
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/dovecot-uidvalidity
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this entry (not a directory)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = dovecot-uidvalidity.4e512dbb
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/dovecot-uidvalidity.4e512dbb
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this entry (not a directory)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = dovecot.index
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/dovecot.index
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this entry (not a directory)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = dovecot.index.cache
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/dovecot.index.cache
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this entry (not a directory)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = dovecot.index.log
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/dovecot.index.log
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this entry (not a directory)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = dovecot.index.log.2
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/dovecot.index.log.2
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this entry (not a directory)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = dovecot.mailbox.log
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/dovecot.mailbox.log
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this entry (not a directory)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = new
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this dir (Maildir special)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = subscriptions
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/subscriptions
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this entry (not a directory)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = tmp
 DEBUG[maildir]:   skipping this dir (Maildir special)
 DEBUG[maildir]:   *** top of loop
 DEBUG[maildir]:   dirname = 
 DEBUG[maildir]:   fullname = /Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP/
 DEBUG[maildir]:   This is maildir folder ''.
 DEBUG[maildir]: _GETFOLDERS_SCANDIR RETURNING ['.[Gmail].All Mail', '.[Gmail].Spam', '.PersonalGMail', '.sent.2011-08', '.sent.2011-09', '.Trash', '']
 DEBUG[maildir]: makefolder called with arg '.'
 DEBUG[maildir]: makefolder: calling makedirs '/Users/dave/Library/Data/LocalIMAP'
 DEBUG[maildir]: makefolder: '.' already a directory
 DEBUG[maildir]: makefolder: '.' already has subdir cur
 DEBUG[maildir]: makefolder: '.' already has subdir new
 DEBUG[maildir]: makefolder: '.' already has subdir tmp
 ERROR: While attempting to sync account BoostPro:
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/offlineimap/", line 214, in syncrunner
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/offlineimap/", line 273, in sync
    remoterepos.syncfoldersto(localrepos, statusrepos)
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/offlineimap/repository/", line 179, in syncfoldersto
    folder = self.getfolder(newsrc_name)
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/offlineimap/repository/", line 244, in getfolder
    return self.getfoldertype()(self.imapserver, foldername, self)
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/offlineimap/folder/", line 36, in __init__
    name = imaputil.dequote(name)
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/offlineimap/", line 41, in dequote
    if not (string[0] == '"' and string[-1] == '"'):
IndexError: string index out of range

  string index out of range
 ***** Finished processing account BoostPro
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

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Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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