python crashing

Dave Abrahams dave at
Fri Sep 23 14:39:38 UTC 2011

on Fri Sep 23 2011, Sebastian Spaeth <> wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Sep 2011 20:44:05 -0400, Dave Abrahams <dave at> wrote:
>> Since my recent upgrade of offlineimap, I've been seeing its Python
>> crashing a lot.  Obviously pure python code should never cause a hard
>> crash, but there you are...
> Do you have any backtraces or other information? I agree, python should
> obviously not crash hard, and I haven't seen any such crashes myself.

Here are some logs from this morning:

- CrashReporter log:
- offlineimap log:

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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