umask of messages

Tim Gray lists+offimap at
Thu Sep 1 13:24:36 BST 2011

On Sep 01, 2011 at 10:41 AM +0200, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
>python -c "import os; print ('%03o' % os.umask(0))"
>Mine says 022 (pretty common) and that leads to a default mode of 755
>when writing out a file, so perhaps the system default has changed for

Yeah, mine is 022 as well.  However, if running:

     python -c "open('test.txt', 'w')"

results in a file with a umask of 644.  Which is the same thing I get if 
I run `touch test.txt` from the command line.  As I said, I don't really 
care that much if my messages are executable.  However, it is strange 
and something I've not seen before, either in my Python scripts or in 
general Unix usage.  Also, I thought a umask of 022 results in files 
with 644 (666 - 022 = 644).

So I guess my question has another part: Are you guys seeing 755 umasks on 
the messages?
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