Adding a CouchDB backend

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Sun Sep 4 19:02:14 BST 2011

On Sat, Sep 03, 2011 at 09:43:50PM +0200, theodoreb wrote:

> > I'm not sure: do you know we are slowly moving to the (currently
> > supported) sqlite backend? Of course, it doesn't mean we couldn't
> > support other backends.
> I saw that on the ml but as Daniel said, couchdb is for mail storage 
> not for sync status.

Ah, right.

> > So, I have to ask you what is your first intent in adding support for
> > CouchDB?
> With couchdb you can replicate very easily. Makes backup really simple. 


> And I want to use it as a mail reader too. Putting everything in 
> couch mean It's easier to use than maildir or IMAP for me.

Interesting. Could you expose the reasons a bit more, please? I don't
know CouchDB that much.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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