New folder creation on REMOTE (DO READ)

Vincent Beffara vbeffara at
Mon Sep 19 14:02:09 BST 2011

VB> ERROR: Exceptions occurred during the run!
VB>  ERROR: Creating folder enseignement on repository here
VB>   Folder 'enseignement'[here] could not be created.  Server
VB>   responded: ('NO', ['[ALREADYEXISTS] Mailbox already exists:
VB>                                              enseignement'])
VB>  ERROR: Folder 'enseignement'[here] could not be created.  Server
VB>  responded: ('NO', ['[ALREADYEXISTS] Mailbox already exists:
VB>                                             enseignement'])

BTW, switching back to revision 6b2ec95, the error becomes a warning,
the sync proceeds as usual, but there was no warning before ... All goes
well when I remove the local nametrans from the config file.


|                 |   UMPA - ENS Lyon   | Mél: vbeffara at |
| Vincent Beffara |  46 allée d'Italie  | Tél: (+33) 4 72 72 85 25  |
|                 | 69364 Lyon Cedex 07 | Fax: (+33) 4 72 72 84 80  |

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