Dave Abrahams dave at boostpro.com
Mon Sep 26 13:52:38 BST 2011

on Mon Sep 26 2011, Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian-AT-SSpaeth.de> wrote:

> On Fri, 23 Sep 2011 23:27:51 -0400, Dave Abrahams <dave at boostpro.com> wrote:
>> I see in the example conf file a "[DEFAULT]" section, but there's no
>> explanation of how it actually functions.  Is it only for setting up
>> interpolation variables, or could I expect to be able to write 
> # Settings support interpolation. This means values can contain python
> # format strings which refer to other values in the same section, or
> # values in a special DEFAULT section. This allows you for example to
> # use common settings for multiple accounts:
> This is the explanation, and the DEFAULT section is for these
> interpolation purposes, nothing else. 

Oh, that's too bad.  It would really simplify my configuration if I
could do this:

realdelete = yes
nametrans = gmailfolder2maildir
keepalive = 60

> I still haven't forgotten the "inherit" improvement suggestion which I
> like, though.

That too would be appreciated.

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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