Another stack trace

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Mon Sep 26 15:25:55 BST 2011

On Sat, 24 Sep 2011 17:02:03 -0500, John Wiegley <jwiegley at> wrote:
> Every 2-4 hours after I run Offlineimap (which polls every 15 minutes, in
> addition to using IDLE on my INBOX), before it crashes and stops polling
> altogether.  I usually only notice because I haven't seen a new e-mail in a
> while.  Here's what I'm seeing this time:

This is obviously bad :-). Your error boils down to this:

> offlineimap/", line 551, in idle
>     imapobj.noop()
> abort: connection closed

And this situation is EXACTLY what I have attempted to address in:
  ce8471a0 2011-09-12 IMAP IDLE cleanup(5): Really discard connections w...

which has the following lines right after than noop():

except imapobj.abort():
    self.ui.warn('Attempting NOOP on dropped connection %s' % \
    self.parent.releaseconnection(imapobj, True)

Are you using a 'next' branch newer than that (Sep 12)? If yes, the
Exception catching is obviously not working and we will have to debug
this more closely.

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