[ANNOUNCE] OfflineImap 6.5.3

Daniel Shahaf d.s at daniel.shahaf.name
Tue Apr 3 05:42:37 UTC 2012

FWIW v6.5.3.1 has been tagged and includes this fix:

"Don't fail if no dry-run setting has been specified"

Eygene Ryabinkin wrote on Tue, Apr 03, 2012 at 08:43:57 +0400:
> Sebastian, good day.
> Tue, Apr 03, 2012 at 12:28:41AM +0200, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> > So much stuff had piled up that I decided to just release the 6.5.3 with
> > what we had in the current 'next' branch. It passes all of our 5 (! :-))
> > tests. I am still in the process of catching up with a rather large
> > backlog of messages and patches, so a followup-release is possible soon.
> > 
> > The big use-visible feature is probably the new --dry-run option.
> > 
> > As usual, grab the source from github. It has been tagged as v6.5.3 with
> > my gpg key. source tar.gz:
> > https://github.com/spaetz/offlineimap/tarball/v6.5.3
> > The gpg signature of the release tar is attached to this mail and
> > available in the downloads section on github.
> The announce section on the Web site,
>   http://news.offlineimap.org/announce-offlineimap-653
> names the file "unknownname.out" and says that it is 0 bytes in size.
> In reality, it is 203 bytes in size and it's PGP signature for the
> tarball and not the real tarball.  And the link to the tarball at
>   https://github.com/spaetz/offlineimap/downloads
> says "File was not found", so seems like something was a bit screwed up.
> -- 
> Eygene Ryabinkin                                        ,,,^..^,,,
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