Using Google's "two factor authentication"

Marc MERLIN marc at
Sat Apr 7 21:19:42 UTC 2012

On Sat, Apr 07, 2012 at 04:14:40PM -0500, Paul Hinze wrote:
> Ђорђе Тодоровић-- <postmanmiler at> on 2012-04-06 at 18:31:
> > BTW, what is the purpose of having a "two factor auth" if the attacker only
> > needs to get my offlineimap password.
> You're right I think the implementation of "authorized application"
> passwords does increase your surface area for attack. The ideal would be

My understanding is that ASPs do not allow access to things like google
checkout for instance, so you're better off putting that in a config file
than your master password.

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