Disable remote repo folder creation feature

SK sk.list at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 14:00:52 UTC 2012

>> I have been using offlineimap for some time now but not the 6.5.x.y
>> version. As expected, when I upgraded to, I ran into issues
>> related to bidirectional nametrans issue (aka creation of folders on
>> the remote repository). I have been struggling to understand the
>> syntax/logic and find it a bit irritating mainly because I don't need
>> this feature. Is there any way to disable this remote repo folder
>> creation feature completely in offlineimap and just keep using the
>> older version of offlineimaprc? My cpu has only so many cycles! :)

> by just adding an extra
> folderfilter = lambda fn: False
> statement to your LOCAL repository section, you are effectively
> disabling this feature, without any negative side-effects.

Perfect! Thank you so much.


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