Could the current tree be made more clear?

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Wed Aug 8 19:23:26 UTC 2012

On Wed, Aug 08, 2012 at 06:08:50PM +0100, Kevin Lyda wrote:

> OK, I think I understand. To explain my issue, Homebrew on OS X
> supports two sources for each "formula" (i.e. package): a stable
> version and a "head" version.
> The patch in August (
> ) to fix
> Gmail support is only in the OfflineIMAP tree, so I would like to
> point the Homebrew offlineimap formula "head" version to that. As you
> later say...
> > Though, the WIP/development for the next release will happen on
> > OfflineIMAP github organization. Main developers and contributors are
> > aware of this change and users don't not care much. Latters will be
> > advised in time.
> it would seem those willing to brave the bleeding edge, the
> OfflineIMAP tree is correct as the spaetz tree is pretty much in
> maintenance mode.
> The only reason I say all this is because the Homebrew maintainer is
> understandably cautious and is concerned that the right tree is being
> chosen for head.
> If you can confirm or correct my understanding,

You're right.

Notice that this fix was merged in master. So, we are in the situation
where a patch is considered to be safe enough to be widely spread to
the users without beeing included in a release, for now.

For those who want to "brave the bleeding edge", the right place is the
next branch in the OfflineIMAP organization repository. Though, the
Gmail patch is not in the next branch, currently. This is wrong and an
error from us. As said, we are in a transition with a young team.

I guess you'd prefer to wait some time before pointing your "head"
formula to the next branch which I expect to become the true head in the

>                                                 I've already pointed
> him at this thread so any reply should be visible to him. The patch
> does work; my Gmail backups now work.

Yes, we had other users reporting that the patch is fixing the issue.
Thanks for the feedback.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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