GMail's IMAP stopped working for me

Jonas Hörsch coroa at
Fri Aug 17 14:24:08 UTC 2012

On Fri, Aug 17 2012, Eygene Ryabinkin wrote:

> Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 01:58:50AM +0200, Jonas H??rsch wrote:
>> but it doesn't seem to be offlineimap's fault, as an ipython session
>> gives me:
>> [ ... ]
>> In [5]:"INBOX")
>> Out[5]: ('NO', ['System error (Failure)'])
> Works for my GMail account.  Both from imaplib Python's session
> and from OfflineIMAP.  Looks like you'll need to ask folks at GMail
> what's wrong with IMAP access to your mailbox.

thanks for trying it and letting me know.

it turns out to be most likely a known issue spooking through gmail for
about 9 days, which only affects a subset of imap users. they seem to
have a fix, but only be able to roll it out to small sets of affected
users at a time, which has been the official status for a week, now.

See forum threads [1], [2] and known issues list [3], where one can
report being affected.

it seems i have to live with accessing my mail by the browser for some
time :(

so long,




[3] (under IMAP)

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