Truncated messages

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Sat Feb 4 20:22:13 UTC 2012

On Wed, 1 Feb 2012 15:40:07 -0500, Allan Wind <allan_wind at
> wrote:
> I am running the latest version of offlineimap from git with the=20
> sqlite backend and the idle feature on INBOX.
> offlineimap downloads a few messages a day or so that are=20
> truncated after the first byte.  Most often I have seen just a=20
> space.  Here are the two instances I got today in my local
> maildir repository:
> allan at vent:~/mail/received/inbox/cur$ for f in *; do echo $f; od=20
> -a $f; done
> 1328116873_0.1832.vent,U=3D1156430,FMD5=3D7e33429f656f1e6e9d79b29c3f82c57=
> 0000000   2

Hi Allan,
data loss is obviously bad, ie the worst thing that can happen. I don't
see this here at all. sqlite would not make any difference. And neither should IDLE.

What kind of server do you connect to? We'd really need some IMAP log to
see what goes over the wire to be able to detect the causes of this corrupt=

> The part of the file name before the _ appears to map the file=20
> names that dovecot uses.  If this is accurate then I am not=20
> seeing the original messages on the server, but I am seeing a=20
> couple of messages that are "off by 1":
> 1328116872.M77138P19112V0000000000000900I0000000000060210_0.pawan,S=3D405=
> 1328116953.M317137P19151V0000000000000900I0000000000060214_0.pawan,S=3D39=
I'd need to know more about your setup to be able to say what you are
seeing (and saying) here.

> I access this mailbox from my phone, mostly deleting messages=20
> that are not of interest, and I think there is a correlation=20
> between deleting the message on my phone and these truncated=20
> messages.

Mmmh, that would be weird, but obviously you are seeing something
weird. Can you say more about your setup? (I see you sent some more
messages that I still haven't read, perhaps you already sent that)


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