gmail -> gmail: required special treatment?

Dr. D. P. Kreil (Boku) David.Kreil at
Thu Jan 5 01:39:36 UTC 2012

I have installed the latest (6.4.3) version and am trying to sync one gmail
account to another. (I am effectictively trying to split my joint account
into a separate work and a separate private mail account.)

This works ok when I specify the second gmail account as an "IMAP" account,
with the exception that as part of the sync process the Gmail "special
folders" [Gmail]/... are created on the source Gmail account, despite that
account being marked as "readonly".

Am I doing something wrong?

I have read comments on some forums that it might be feasible to allow a
"gmail" type Local Repository reasonably easily. Is this true? Is this a
change that I can help make?

With many thanks for your advice,

Contents of my onlinemaprc file:

accounts = copyGmail
ui = Basic

[Account copyGmail]
remoterepository = account1
localrepository = account2

[Repository account1]
#This is the remote repository
type = Gmail
remoteuser = accountId1
remotepass = somePass2
readonly = yes
realdelete = no

[Repository account2]
#This is the 'local' repository
type = IMAP
remotehost =
# type = Gmail
remoteuser = accountId2 at
remotepass = somePass2
ssl = yes
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