Folder creation and deletion

Sebastian Spaeth sebastian at
Sat Jan 7 11:59:04 UTC 2012

On Tue, 6 Dec 2011 14:08:51 +0100, Thomas Kahle <tomka at> wrote:
> That's highly appreciated.

I believe that many of the unstabilizing causes have been fixed. But I
still would like to continue running a 6.5.x series that focuses on
stabilizing what we have and ironing out the glitches.

Also completing and improving the documentation is high on my list for
this cycle to avoid having to answer the same questions all the time.

I have started to get the API docs autogenerated on, (although it still does not work
fully), and extending that to provide a good manual/tutorial would be

Once all that is fixed, I'll start thinking about features again. Folder
deletion is tricky as it involves data loss when things go wrong, so it
has to be done very very carefully. I would love to have a working
--dry-run implementation before I start doing that.

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