NoneType popping up in syncing some folders from Exchange

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Mon Jan 9 09:34:12 UTC 2012

On Sun, 8 Jan 2012 04:49:12 -0800 (PST), chris coleman wrote:
> It looks like Dale's mail server is probably a windows server 2003 host running microsoft exchange server 2003 ( I'm taking an educated guess because it's running IIS 6.0 web server).
> Sebastian: is it possible that microsoft exchange 2003 is only going to send back the UIDVALIDITY message after the user has logged in ?  Similar to how google gmail emits a second, changed, UIDVALIDITY after the user has logged in.

No, UIDVALIDITY is a MUST in the IMAP RFCs and even Exchange isn't that
broken. Now, the IMAP log shows that the server did sent a UIDVALIDITY
response, but imaplib2 did not hand it to us. I will take this up with
the imaplib2 developer.

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