folder skipped without being examined -- bug with s/folderfilter/-f/ ? Re: 100 messages limit, on multiple IMAP->Maildir accounts

Daniel Shahaf d.s at
Mon Jan 9 16:43:31 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012, at 10:45, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> On Mon, 09 Jan 2012 04:51:01 +0200, "Daniel Shahaf" wrote:
> > I see the problem with:
> > % nice ./ -c fm.offlineimaprc -f INBOX.lists -a dshahaffm -l log
> > 
> > I do not see the problem with:
> > % echo "folderfilter = lambda x: x in ['INBOX.lists']" >> fm.offlineimaprc
> > % nice ./ -c fm.offlineimaprc -a fm -l log
> Hi Daniel,
> taking this offline for now to avoid spamming the list even more. This
> looks more curious.

I replied in private.  (The file is the same as the one I'd posted
before, except for the nametrans lines and for the hostnames and
dirnames being different.)

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