Another attempt at a test suite

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Tue Jan 10 06:26:41 UTC 2012

On Tue, 10 Jan 2012 01:24:36 +0200, "Daniel Shahaf" wrote:
> How can I follow the development of this?
> I'm used to the model where following the development means subscribing
> to a commits@ mailing list.  What do people do here?  'git log -p'?
> GitHub RSS feeds?  Cron job that runs pull and generates commit mails? :)

I am a bit unsure if I should really post all patches here, which might
well be overwhelming for people. Subscribing to the github RSS feed is
certainly one possibility. Also, I would not be opposed to having a commit
mailing list where people can subscribe to if they whish to get all
that. Actually that is a quite nice idea. Is it possible to just open
another mailing list at, or should we go for google
groups, or yet another provider?
I could also provide from my shared host, but that
list would probably not survive the moving of ISPs in case it happens.

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