sslcacertfile troubleshooting :)

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Thu Jan 19 09:02:49 UTC 2012

On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 22:41:22 +0100, SamLT <sam at> wrote:
> After reading the online documentation Sebastian has just announced, I
> wanted to try the sslcacertfile option [1]
> Two things:
> 1) It works fine, 

Hurray... (I knew there would be coming a "..., but" :-)

> however, when specifying a wrong certificate gives
> that kind of warning:
> | WARNING: Could not connect via SSL to host '' and
> |     non-standard ssl port 993 configured. Make sure you connect to the
> |     correct port.
> This isn't really clear to me, reading this warning, that the
> certificate check was the problem. Couldn't it be clearly stated?

That is not only not clear, it is rather mysterious and misleading. I
have logged this as an issue and will be looking to fixing it soonish.

This should definitely be fixed.

> 2) Even though I generate the sslcacertfile as described in the FAQ[1],
> I still got the warning(and thus no sync) for an other IMAP server, what
> can be wrong? What information do you need to help me with this one?

Uhh, your credit card and social security number would be good for a
start :-). Nah, seriously, is this a server you could provide me with a
test account? I am no SSL expert at all, and SSL's error messages are
often rather mysterious, which leads to python's SSL messages often
being even more vague and mysterious. Perhaps someone else might be
qualified to look into this?

The CA cert thingie works on the server that I use...

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