remote/local folder creation fails

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Sat Jan 7 11:32:57 GMT 2012

On Thu, 8 Dec 2011 13:15:28 +0100, Andreas Fink <finkandreas at> wrote:
> I hit an odd bug, when trying to sync with offlineimap-6.4.2. Here my config:

Hi Andreas,
can you upgrade to 6.5.0 please? 1) 6.4.2 has a severe bug, 2) The
handling of the top-level dir was refined and it might work better 3) it
provides the "--info -u basic" switch that outputs a list of all folders
and their "translated" names for easier debugging.

>  ERROR: Aborting sync, folder 'INBOX' [acc: 'gmail']
>   getfolder() asked for a nonexisting folder 'INBOX'.

That was an annoying but harmless glitch that has been fixed since.

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