100 messages limit, on multiple IMAP->Maildir accounts

Daniel Shahaf d.s at daniel.shahaf.name
Mon Jan 9 00:05:47 GMT 2012

I'm syncing a new laptop and offlineimap hangs after downloading about
100 messages.  (See transcript below.)  Upon restart, it proceeds to
download another 100 messages or so and hangs again.

Possibly related: today I observed several times an issue whereby
offlineimap marked a folder as "done" in 5 seconds or so, even after I
flagged a message on the IMAP side (to force a non-inoperative sync).
I've observed a similar limit (100 messages) today also towards the end
of syncing a largish folder (11000 messages, totalling 99MB).  I have
also noticed a similar 100 messages limit on my desktop offlineimap
installation against my ISP account.

How can I cause offlineimap not to freeze after downloading 100 emails?
Several of my mail folders are liable to get >100 messages in one sync
on a regular basis.



% cd
% rm -rf offlineimap/* .offlineimap/*
zsh: sure you want to delete all the files in /home/daniel/offlineimap [yn]? y
zsh: sure you want to delete all the files in /home/daniel/.offlineimap [yn]? y
% cd src/offlineimap/
% git describe 
% git status -s        
?? WORKACCT.offlineimaprc
?? tags
% nice ./offlineimap.py -c WORKACCT.offlineimaprc -a WORKACCT -1 -f INBOX -u TTYUI -o -l log 
  Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version)
Account sync WORKACCT:
 *** Processing account WORKACCT
 Establishing connection to SERVER:993
Enter password for account 'RemoteWORKACCT': 
Folder INBOX [acc: WORKACCT]:
 Creating new Local Status db for LocalWORKACCT:INBOX
 Syncing INBOX: IMAP -> Maildir
 Copy message 1 (1 of 775) RemoteWORKACCT:INBOX -> LocalWORKACCT
 Copy message 118 (100 of 775) RemoteWORKACCT:INBOX -> LocalWORKACCT
 Copy message 119 (101 of 775) RemoteWORKACCT:INBOX -> LocalWORKACCT
 Copy message 120 (102 of 775) RemoteWORKACCT:INBOX -> LocalWORKACCT
^C^\[1]    12706 quit       nice ./offlineimap.py -c WORKACCT.offlineimaprc -a WORKACCT -1 -f INBOX -u TTYUI -o
Time spent in user mode  (CPU seconds)  : 1.59ss
Time spent in kernel mode (CPU seconds) : 0.64ss
Total time                              : 391.76ss
CPU utilisation (percentage)            : 0%
Times the process was swapped           : 0
Times of major page faults              : 0
Times of minor page faults              : 6202
% cat WORKACCT.offlineimaprc 
accounts = WORKACCT

[Account WORKACCT]
localrepository = LocalWORKACCT
remoterepository = RemoteWORKACCT
autorefresh = 8
status_backend = sqlite

[Repository LocalWORKACCT]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/offlineimap/LocalWORKACCT

[Repository RemoteWORKACCT]
ssl = yes
type = IMAP
sslcacertfile = ~/conf/pem/SERVER:993.pem
remotehost = SERVER
remoteuser = redacted
maxconnections = 1
expunge = yes
% python -c 'import sys; print sys.version'
2.7 (r27:82500, Aug 07 2010, 16:54:59) [GCC]

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