Question about super()

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Mon Jan 16 22:09:09 GMT 2012

On Tue, 10 Jan 2012 20:23:21 -0700, Qiang Guo <mcknight0219 at> wrote:
> I have a question about offlineimap's compatibility with
> python-2.6. The logging modules in Python-2.6 is old-styled class, which
> means super() cannot be used. This will cause UI malfunctional. BTW, I
> am using Is the support form 2.6 dropped with new branch ?

No, 2.6 is and will be supported for quite some time to come. I am not
sure about what UI malfunction you talk, actually. Some derived UI
classes are using "super", but they inherit from
"class UIBase(object)" which is a new-style class.

Are you observing any problems?

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