
Thomas Kahle tomka at gentoo.org
Fri Jan 20 09:12:54 GMT 2012

On 00:38 Fri 20 Jan 2012, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Jan 2012 11:50:45 +0100, Thomas Kahle <tomka at gentoo.org> wrote:
> > OK, --info is good.  I see what's going on.  I need to pass both
> > translated foldername and untranslated foldername to -f to make it sync.
> > This raises the question how the folderfilter should work.  If I do -f
> > INBOX, should it sync only from INBOX (which is the remote name) to the
> > local copy or bidirectional?  I find this very confusing.
> Ugh, the way things are currently implemented is that the -f option
> operates as a folderfilter on the remote repository, ie it operates on
> the untranslated REMOTE names.
> ie, if you specify -f INBOX, it effectively sets the remote folderfilter
> rule to "lambda f: f in ["INBOX"]"
> > Also, the usage of "translated" is completely ambiguous now.
> > Offlineimap translates foldernames back and forth--both are translated.
> > It should be called local-alias and remote-alias and 'nametrans' should
> > be 'produce-remote-alias' and 'produce-local-alias' (or something along
> > these lines).
> Yes, it was always (even back in those days) unclear on which repository
> nametrans rules were supposed to be put and how they worked. Now that
> they are specified both ways, I need to update the documentation on that
> and explain how exactly they work and *are supposed* to work.
> > $ offlineimap -o -a ABC -f INBOX --info
> > Remote repository 'RemoteABC': type 'IMAP'
> > folderfilter= lambda f: f in ['INBOX']
> > Folderlist:
> >  INBOX -> abc
> > Local repository 'LocalABC': type 'Maildir'
> > folderfilter= lambda f: f in ['INBOX']
> >  abc -> INBOX (disabled)
> Uggh, have you specified the 
> folderfilter= lambda f: f in ['INBOX']
> line on the local repository in the config file or does that come from
> the -f option as well? -f is only supposed to modify folderfilter rules
> on the remote repository.
> No, looking at your examples I can see that any folderfilter rule you
> specify with -f is being reported for *both* the remote AND the local
> filter rule, which does not really make sense at all. I will need to
> explore what really happens there.

Just a final remark: you are right about offlineimaprc.  There is a
folderfilter containing 'INBOX' (but not 'abc') in the config.  Note
however that this does not influence the run without the -f option which
works as expected.


Thomas Kahle
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