Problem with OfflineIMAP

Tim Kroeger Tim.Kroeger at
Fri Jul 20 13:32:43 UTC 2012

Dear developers,

I have a problem with OfflineIMAP.  Im using it (version 6.5.4) to 
keep an IMAP and a MailDir folder collection synchronized.

As long as I am only working on the IMAP side, OfflineIMAP keeps 
synchronizing everything perfectly alright.

When I start working on the MailDir side, however, this is no longer 
true.  In particular, I am doing the following:

* I send an email.  My email client sends it via an SMTP server and 
then automatically places a copy of that email into my INBOX folder 
(on the MailDir side, this times).

* I use my email client to copy this email to a different folder (that 
is, INBOX/tk) and to expunge it from the INBOX folder (still on the 
MailDir side).

* I then run OfflineIMAP.  It produces some error message.  (I ran it 

 	offlineimap -d imap,maildir -l debug.log -f INBOX,INBOX/tk

but did not attach the debug.log here because it contains sensitive 
information -- please let me know where to send it such that only the 
OfflineIMAP developers get it.)

* After this, despite of the error message, everything seems alright 
for the moment.  However, if I run OfflineIMAP again then, it produces 
another, identical, message in the INBOX/tk folder.  This continues 
arbitrarily often: Each time I run OfflineIMAP from that on, an 
additional identical message is placed in the INBOX/tk folder.  Each 
run of OfflineIMAP will also give an error similar to the first one.

* I can stop this by deleting *all* copies of this message from the 
INBOX/tk folder (so that this message does not exist any more at all 
on the MailDir side).  When I then run OfflineIMAP again, the message 
re-appears once, with no error, and when I run it again, nothing 
changes any more.

Can you please help me with this issue?

Best Regards,

Tim Kroeger

Prof. Dr. Tim Kröger
Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences
Keßlerplatz 12, Office KA.208            tim.kroeger at
90489 Nürnberg                                 Phone +49-911-5880-1871
Germany                                        Fax   +49-911-5880-5800

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