Problem with OfflineIMAP

Tim Kroeger Tim.Kroeger at
Tue Jul 24 07:55:37 UTC 2012

Dear Dave,

On Mon, 23 Jul 2012, Dave Abrahams wrote:

> Oh, this is just an offlineimap bug.  I'm pretty sure I encountered it
> at one point, but I forget whether I actually tracked it down.  I'm on
> the "next" branch, which is in pretty decent shape once you apply

Thank you very much.  I would like to get the "next" branch, but 
unfortunately I have never worked with git.  I'm quite familiar with 
subversion, however.  I now did:

 	git clone git://

to get the repository (as described on the homepage), but I didn't 
figure out how to switch to the "next" branch.  Neither

 	git checkout next


 	git checkout --track -b next origin/next

seem to do that for me.  Can you please tell me what the correct 
command is?

Best Regards,


Prof. Dr. Tim Kröger
Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences
Keßlerplatz 12, Office KA.208            tim.kroeger at
90489 Nürnberg                                 Phone +49-911-5880-1871
Germany                                        Fax   +49-911-5880-5800

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