Recommendations for patches (was: Re: [PATCH] Make sure folder filters are always respected.)

Eygene Ryabinkin rea at
Sun Jul 29 13:01:39 UTC 2012

Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 11:09:02AM +0000, Rog?rio Brito wrote:
> * 1 for adding the new properties etc. that you want (not changing the 
> behavior of the code).
> * 1 for actually enabling the functionality of the code that you added.

Such split is not very good: if you have bugs in the added code, then
when you'll be bisecting the revisions, it will point you to the one
that will actually enable the functionality, instead of the proper one
(that adds it).  And as other people could commit something between
these two, it will be even harder to find the real problem.
Eygene Ryabinkin                                        ,,,^..^,,,
[ Life's unfair - but root password helps!           | ]
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