Account <=> Repository Association

Dave Abrahams dave at
Fri Jul 20 15:20:54 BST 2012

on Thu Jul 19 2012, Dave Abrahams <> wrote:

> As I was working on a patch, I realized that OfflineIMAP has a built-in
> assumption that every repository is associated with only one account.
> My setup violates that assumption, but OfflineIMAP never told me so.
> Fortunately, that assumption doesn't seem (so far) to be very deeply
> ingrained.  From what I've seen, it's merely used in printing diagnostic
> information.  So I would like to remove that assumption from the code,
> e.g. by removing the .account and .accountname fields/properties from
> all Repositories and folders.
> Obviously I don't want to do this if there are strong objections, so I'd
> like to hear from others.

As far as I can tell, from having looked further, a separate Repository
object is created for each account in which a given config-file's
Repository participates.  The only potential problem with this, AFAICT,
is that these two Repository objects have the same name, and thus share
files in the .offlineimap/ directory.  I'm not certain whether that's
benign or not.  Anyone care to shed some light on this?

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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