future of OfflineIMAP [long]

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Mon Jul 30 18:53:04 BST 2012

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 03:14:48PM -0400, Dave Abrahams wrote:
> on Tue Jul 24 2012, Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev-AT-laposte.net> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 07:58:57AM -0400, Dave Abrahams wrote:
> >
> >> It looks official enough where it's listed at the bottom of
> >> http://offlineimap.org/
> >
> > Arf, didn't know about that.
> >
> > I guess this is an update of Sebastian while he was maintaining OfflineIMAP.
> >
> >> BTW, right now, AFAICT, the bottleneck on all-things-official is you.
> >> If you want to get this project unstuck, unless you have a lot more time
> >> than you've indicated, that's the first thing you'd need to address.
> >
> > Well, I believe it would be better to have the issue tracker at the
> > github's organization. We might need to deprecate the current tracker.
> Should I assume from this that the issues I've reported there have gone
> into a dark hole from which they may never return?

No, of course. We will go with taking care of the facts. No decision was
taken for now and I won't expect it to come during summer because of

On one hand, this issue tracker was always declared as Sebastian's
public issue tracker. OTOH, it's not as if Sebastian had never be a core
developer and maintainer.

My point is that having both core team and issue tracker at the same
place help for tracking issues, email notification, task assigment, etc.

It needs to be discussed but you could expect a migration plan for
existing issues.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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