Deleting mails on gmail

Igor Sosa Mayor joseleopoldo1792 at
Sat Mar 24 08:40:23 UTC 2012

Hi, Mandar
> What version are you using? If you're using the most recent version, the
> "realdelete" option no longer works. See the website / mailing list
> archives for some discussion about why realdelete is unsafe.

i'm using And yes, I know, that it is supposed to be unsafe.
But: i don't care about loosing emails because there are only
mailinglists emails which are not so important.
> I have the following (borrowed from somewhere I'm sure) in my .muttrc as
> a workaround:
> macro index d "s=[Gmail].Trash\n"

thanks. I'll give it a try.

:: Igor Sosa Mayor     :: joseleopoldo1792 at ::
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