Sync Failure due to UID error

Jeremiah Via jeremiah at
Sun Nov 18 23:05:45 UTC 2012

Hi there,

I've been having a problem syncing both my [Gmail]/All Mail and
[Gmail]/Sent Mail folders. I get an error about the UID and I tried
performing the steps from the FAQ about deleting the relevant maildir
folder with the status files, but it did not help. I've had this issue
with both 6.5.4 and 6.5.5-rc2.

Sample output when I sync:

Copy message 25 (2 of 3622) Remote:[Gmail]/Sent Mail -> Local
Copy message from Remote:[Gmail]/Sent Mail:
Establishing connection to
ERROR: command: UID => connection terminated

I came across a discussion of this issue but it did not resolve my
issue. Attached is the log file.

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