weird problem with offlineimap

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Sat Sep 1 00:38:11 BST 2012

Eygene Ryabinkin <rea-fbsd at> writes:

>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/usr/local/bin/offlineimap", line 20, in <module>
>>     from offlineimap import OfflineImap
>> ImportError: cannot import name OfflineImap
> Seems like your OfflineIMAP installation path isn't in the Python's
> search path.

has your problem been solved? You probably have a stale
somewhere on your system that is old.

When in the offlineimap directory, it will prefer the local version
first, that is why it works. When python searches along its standard
paths, it finds one offlineimap package (or you would have gotten the
error message "no module named offlineimap"). So your python finds an, but one that does not contain the class OfflineImap.

Search your system for instances of Somewhere there is
one, I bet.

Let us know if my hunch was right.
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