Problem connecting to gmail after new installation of Ubuntu Raring Ringtail

cpblpublic+offlineimap at cpblpublic+offlineimap at
Tue Apr 30 16:43:17 UTC 2013

Thanks, Rainer,
  This was not just due to updating to Raring. I've been running Raring for 
a month, and the first problem you describe just started for me about 12 
hours ago, after my midnight.  I already had a cert_fingerprint value in 
my .offlineimaprc, but it wasn't the one shown in the error code. Updating 
it fixed the problem.


On Tue, 30 Apr 2013, Rainer M Krug wrote:

> ERROR: Server SSL fingerprint 'b0ba392bba326e6feb1add4d04fa0fb86cd173fa' for hostname '' does not
> rt_fingerprint' accordingly if not set yet.

> Ok - I added 
> cert_fingerprint=b0ba392bba326e6feb1add4d04fa0fb86cd173fa
> to .offlineimaprc, although I have  sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt already there
> (ca-certificates are installed)

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