storing and synchronizing labels

Mandar Mitra mandar.mitra at
Mon Aug 26 08:08:07 BST 2013


First, thanks very much for what promises to be a very useful
modification! So far, I've run

git clone

followed by make. Is there anything else that I should know before
switching to this version? In any case, I have a few newbie questions. 

> The approach is to sync only the All Mail folder, and use Gmail specific IMAP
> commands to fetch the labels.

I use mutt rather than mu / notmuch, and am more accustomed to changing
folders than using filters (which is how I think it's done in case of
mu / notmuch).

If I continue to sync selected folders (e.g. inbox, sent, work,
personal, etc.), is this version expected to "just work"?

Also, if I create a new label locally, will this automatically result in
a new label on Gmail?

Thanks again,

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